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In Person

If you are interested in making a donation in person. Please feel free to visit the facility. HGM CDC staff is available on the first Friday of each month, (excluding holidays) from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.  We are located at:

6480 Highway 509 

Mansfield, LA 71052


Secured online donations can be submitted via our HGM Community Development Corporation Cash App at $HGMCDC. A HGM CDC staff member will contact you to notify you of the donation receipt and provide any tax deductible information you may need.

Over the Phone

Donations may be received via any of our HGM CDC board members. A receipt of payment and tax information will be forward to you on your request. 

Detries Morris, HGM CDC board chairperson (318) 481-9204

Geraldine Anthony, HGM CDC board member (318) 947-5052

Evonne Taylor, HGM CDC board

member (318) 347-8847

Ronnie Morris, HGM CDC board member. (318) 481-9200

By Email

Those interested in making donations may email us at  A HGM CDC Staff member will contact you in regard to your donation.




HGM CDC Food Pantry welcomes and appreciates volunteers from the community. Mansfield High School students demonstrate their ability to help the community as they help prepare boxes to be distributed on food distribution day.


HGM CDC is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization relying on donations and grant funds in order to maintain its services. Fundraising events and charitable donations of equipment, supplies, and funds have enabled us to continue to provide community services which positively impact the individuals within our communities. Thanks to our local Walmart, we will be able to provide additional food items to those we serve. No donation is too small.  Little acts of kindness makes a huge impact to so many. We accept and appreciate any and all assistance.  "Little drops of water; Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land" (Little Things, Julia Carney, 1845). 

Major funding for HGM Community Development Corporation comes from members of our community, public grants and contributions from supporters like you. We rely on support from people like you so that we can continue to expand and improve our services. If you would like to learn more about donations and sponsorships during special events, please get in touch with our main office. Donate today, and make a world of difference for the community.

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